Get Started
Quick Guide
4 Easy Steps to Get Started
In just 4 easy steps you are on your way to earning a generous referral fee!
When the personalized plan your referral selects is approved and the business is placed, you earn a referral fee. If your client does not move forward, you can take great comfort in knowing you provided your client, colleague, family member, friend a service to look into regarding this important subject. Our representatives will provide you dated documentation that a conversation took place and what was discussed. Thereby, from a Fiduciary responsibility, you are protected and can place that documentation in your file.
Either way, you did not have to take time away from your core business, all you had to do was follow 4 easy steps and maybe invest a total of 10 minutes with person you want to refer. Many will find and purchase a great plan – and you’ll have not only helped your client, colleague, family member or friend, but made some great extra income. We live in a litigious society, whether they buy or not, you are covered from a client or their children ever saying, “Why didn’t you talk to me about the importance of Longevity Planning?”
It’s a true win-win!
4 Easy Objectives for Success
When referring, keep in mind, our Longevity Planning Specialists have 4 objectives. The more information you can provide our Specialists the better we can assist them.
The more information you can provide us, the better chance our Specialist will have of properly helping and protecting your referral. Here are some tips of how you can help:
Don’t feel obligated if you don’t have information in all four areas, just do your best and we will do the rest.
Mutual of Omaha Long-Term Care Example:
You refer a 65-year old couple from Illinois. With the help of our specialist, they decide to protect themselves by purchasing long-term care policies with average annual premiums…