Referral Partner Pro-Tips
How To Make the Most Out of Your Referral Partnership!
There is no limit to the potential earnings of the Integrity Direct program. As more people turn 65 and are living longer, retirement planning is evolving to longevity planning. Proactively navigating clients to longevity planning helps more people and results in you receiving increased referral fees!
If you want to actively succeed in the partnership, here are some tips for Agents and Professionals:
Go through your existing client database for possible longevity clients.
- Clients without a product solution
- Clients who previously were turned down
- Clients who have minimal coverage
- Clients with upcoming birthdays
- Clients aged 45-85
Emails to send potential clients:
Set aside an hour a day for phone calls! Working Longevity Planning into every day client conversations doesn’t have to be hard.
When doing a client review, it is very easy to get the conversation going with “Before I forget…” or “Oh, by the way…” or even, “Before we finish up… I just want to make sure… you do have some type of long-term care plan in place, right?” (If they say, ‘yes’ to the last,
simply ask, “Oh, that’s great… what kind of plan did you get?”
Mutual of Omaha Long-Term Care Example:
You refer a 65-year old couple from Illinois. With the help of our specialist, they decide to protect themselves by purchasing long-term care policies with average annual premiums…